Page 189 - Pure Life 33
P. 189
188 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 169-217, Winter. 2023
Based on his model, in background space from
the absence of matter and which the universe fluctuates.
classical time and space, Moreover, prior to
our universe started in a Hawking and Hartle,
totally empty geometry, Vilenkin (1982: 27f)
and then, made a quantum claimed that his theory
tunneling transition with presents a cosmological
finite size in an explosive model, which avoids the
form to a closed, expanding problem of singularity at
de Sitter Universe. the beginning. Thus, there
(Vilenkin, 1982: 26) would be no need for
This universe is a boundary conditions.
cosmological model in Vacuum Fluctuation
which the universe is flat, Models are not physically
i.e: The Curvature satisfactory models. Even,
Parameter is zero, and as Isham (1988: 385-387)
empty, i.e: Its pressure and shows, they face a deep
density is zero. internal incoherence. The
A combination of crucial point, however, is
Vilenkin’s model with the that these models do not
inflationary model can explain the creatio ex
explain the enlargement of nihilo of the world.
the Universe to its current
size. Contrary to Tryon’s B. The Tryon-Vilenkin
theory, Vilenkin’s model Model and Creatio ex Nihilo
does not postulate a Vilenkin (1983: 2848)
claims that: “The purpose