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               192  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 169-217, Winter. 2023
               which  the  real  time  (t)  in        to exist just in case for any
               Einstein’s        gravitational        finite  temporal  interval,

               equations is replaced by an            there  are  only  a  finite
               imaginary time (-iτ).                  number  of  equal  temporal
                  According  to  Hawking              intervals  earlier  than  it”;

               (1997:  154):  “Only  if  we           (Craig,  1999:  732)  so  that
               could  picture  the  universe          it  is  not  the  case  the
               in  terms  of  imaginary  time         universe always existed.

               would       there     be     no           At     any      rate,     the
               singularities...  This  in  turn       Hawking-Hartle           model
               led  to  the  idea  that  the          supposes  a  ground-state

               universe  could  be  finite  in        wave      function      as     a
               imaginary  time  but  without          boundary  condition,  with
               boundaries  or  singularities.         no  reference  to  anything

               When one goes back to the              that  might  have  come
               real time in which we live,            before  it,  and  estimates  its
               however,  there  will  still           probability according to the
               appear to be singularities”.           laws         of       quantum

                  This  of  course  does  not         mechanics.
               imply that the universe did               Since the universe has no
               not  begin  to  exist.  For,           boundaries  in  space  or

               firstly,  by  backing  to  the         time, “one can interpret the
               real  time  there  will  still  be     functional  integral  over  all
               singularities; secondly, “Having       compact  four-geometries...

               a beginning does not entail            to  arise  from  a  zero  three-
               having  a  [i.e.  exactly  one]        geometry,  i.e:  A  single
               beginning point... Time begins         point.  In  other  words,  the
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