Page 192 - Pure Life 33
P. 192

Quantum Fluctuation… M.S. Mousavi Karimi (191

                  Those  models  indeed               to  explain  the  situation  of
               explain the transformation of          the  universe  before  the

               something  into  something,            Plank time. They proposed a
               and  not  creation  out  of            timeless  universe  that  has
               nothing.                               only three-dimensional space.

                                                      To  remove  the  boundary
                   2.  Wave-Function Models           conditions,  time  combines
               The  second  version  of               with      the      topological
               quantum       cosmology       is       structure        of      three-

               furnished  by  the  so-called          dimensional       space     and
               wave-function  models.  The            transmogrifies  to  something

               most  important  model  of             like  a  dimension  of  space.
               this group is the Hawking-             Space-time  is  “rounded
               Hartle model.
                                                      off”  prior  to  the  Planck

               A. The Hawking-Hartle Model            time  so  that  although  the
               This  model        has     been        past  is  finite,  there  is  no
               formulated  to  achieve  two           edge or beginning point.

               main  goals:  Firstly,  the               By transforming Lorentzian
               model  seeks  to  omit  the            space-time  into  Euclidian
               singularity,     and     as    a       space-time       it   becomes

               consequence,  the  starting            possible       to      exclude
               point  of  the  universe;              singularities      from      the
               secondly,  to  illustrate  how         resulting  Euclidian  region.
               the  universe  was  created            Such  a  change  will  not  be

               out of nothing.                        feasible unless by means of
                  In  a  joint  article,  Hartle      a  complex  transformation

               and  Hawking  (1983)  tried            of  the  time  coordinate  in
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