Page 190 - Pure Life 33
P. 190
Quantum Fluctuation… M.S. Mousavi Karimi (189
of this paper is to suggest a which have nonzero values
new version of the in the vacuum, and they
inflationary scenario in serve to create a distinction
which the Universe is between particles that
spontaneously created from would otherwise be identical.
nothing”. The problem, In grand unified theories
however, is that these Higgs fields are responsible
models assume some for all the differences
situations “nothingness” which between electrons, neutrinos,
are indeed full of entities, and quarks, and as Vilenkin
though may lack some (1983: 2850) himself
other entities. states, they “have several
For example, Vilenkin components”.
(1983: 2851) asserts that in Furthermore, Vilenkin’s
his model by nothing, model is such that “the
which is the origin of the Universe starts in a vacuum
tunneling to de Sitter space, state with ϕ= ϕ 0” in which
he means “a state with no the “vacuum energy density…
classical space-time”. will, in general, be nonzero
The irony, however, is (and positive)”. (Ibid)
that Vilenkin supposes that Furthermore, as we
there was, before the explained already, the
instant of the creation, the microstructure of the
Higgs field with an quantum vacuum is a sea of
effective potential V(ϕ). continually forming and
Higgs fields indeed are part dissolving particles that
of “grand unified theories” borrow energy from the