Page 194 - Pure Life 33
P. 194
Quantum Fluctuation… M.S. Mousavi Karimi (193
ground state is the antiparticle couples were
amplitude for the Universe created during the quantum
to appear from nothing”. fluctuations from the very
(Hartle and Hawking, 1983: zero energy. (Hawking,
2961) 1997: 143-4)
But what properties does So, if the sum of the total
the ground state of the energies of the universe is
Hawking-Hartle model have? zero, then the creation of
The given answer is: “In matter from pure energy
the quantum mechanics of (i.e: The emergence of the
closed universes we do not universe), is a type of
expect to find a notion of creatio ex nihilo.
ground state as a state of The Hawking-Hartle model,
lowest energy... In a certain like the others that have
sense the total energy for a attempted to describe the
closed universe is always materialization of the
zero; The gravitational universe from nothing, is
energy canceling the matter highly speculative and
energy”. (Hartle and without experimental evidence.
Hawking, 1983: 2961) In effect, this model “is ad
In other words, since at hoc in the sense that it does
the initial singularity, the not flow from a more
total sum of the positive comprehensive unification
energy of the motion or the of general relativity
matter and the negative quantum theory”. (Halvorson
gravitational energy matched and Kragh, 2021)
zero, the particle-