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               190  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 169-217, Winter. 2023
               vacuum  for  their  brief              proposal  that  the  universe
               existence.      A     quantum          was spawned by a piece of

               vacuum  is  thus  far  from            rubber. It might be true, but
               nothing.                               one  would  still  want  to
                  As  Barrow  and  Tipler             ask where  the  piece  of

               (1996:  441)  point  out:  “It         rubber  came  from”.  (Guth,
               is,  of  course,  somewhat             1997: 273)
               inappropriate  to  call  the              Vilenkin  (2006:  185)

               origin of a bubble universe            finally  accepts  that  “the
               in  a  fluctuation  of  the            “vacuum”  is  very  different
               vacuum        “creation       ex       from “nothing”. vacuum, or

               nihilo,”  for  the  quantum            empty  space, has  energy
               mechanical  vacuum  is  not            and tension, it can bend and
               truly  “nothing”;  rather,  the        warp,        so       it      is

               vacuum  state  has  a  rich            unquestionably something”.
               structure which resides in a              So,  contrary  to  what
               previously  existing  substratum       Smith  (1988: 54) claims that
               of      space-time,       either       in     vacuum       fluctuation

               Minkowski  or  de  Sitter              models      “[t]he    universe
               space-time”.                           appears  in  a  quantum
                  Accordingly, Alan Guth,             tunneling  from  nothing  at

               in  response  to  the  Tryon-          all to de Sitter space”, even
               Vilenkin  Model,  wrote:  “a           Vilenkin (1982: 26) himself
               proposal  that  the  universe          admits that “The concept of

               was  created  from  empty              the  universe  being  created
               space       is    no      more         from  nothing  is  a  crazy
               fundamental         than       a       one”.
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