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               194  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 169-217, Winter. 2023
                  However, Isham (1988: 398)          definition  or  existence  can
               believes that this model “is           never guarantee the external

               what  we  need  to  describe           existence      and     physical
               creation ‘from nothing”.               reality      of     something
                  Hawking       (2011:     85)        corresponding  to  such  a

               himself  has  claimed  that            concept.
               according to the model, the               Hawking  (1997:  152)
               universe      “would      quite        indeed  considers  the  idea

               literally  be  created  out  of        ‘that time and space should
               nothing: not just out of the           be finite without boundary’
               vacuum,       but     out     of       as a proposal which ‘cannot

               absolutely  nothing  at  all;          be  deduced  from  some
               because  there  is  nothing            other  principle.  Like  any
               outside the universe”.                 other  scientific  theory,  it

                                                      may      initially    be    put
               B.  The  Hawking-Hartle                forward  for  aesthetic  or
               Model and Creatio ex Nihilo            metaphysical reasons’.
               The Hawking-Hartle model                  Hawking  (1997b:  169),

               suffers       from        some         perhaps  in  response  to
               problems  that  make  it               objections       like      this,
               unpalatable.  First  of  all,  it      emphasizes that: “I… am a

               utilizes  imaginary  time  -  a        positivist who believes that
               concept that could, like 10-           physical  theories  are  just
               dimensional        or      100-        mathematical  models  we

               dimensional       space,     be        construct  and  that  it  is
               mathematically         defined.        meaningless  to  ask  if  they
               However, the mathematical
                                                      correspond to reality”.
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