Page 202 - Pure Life 33
P. 202

Quantum Fluctuation… M.S. Mousavi Karimi (201

               existence  of…  a  concrete            world.  It  is  not  clear
               object… or concrete event…             whether  the  abstract  world

               or…      quantum  vacuum,              is  the  efficient  or  material,
               empty  space  or  time”,               creative  or  transformative
               whereas  it  is  entirely              cause  of  the  physical

               compatible        with       the       world. At any rate, the fact
               existence of “the mathematical         of  the  matter  is  that  the
               properties      of     possible        Hawking-Hartle           model

               universes”. (Smith, 1998: 77)          never elucidates the energy
                  indeed  accepts  that  the          or the vacuum sources, and
               model      presupposes       the       only  represents  the  law  of

               existence       of     “certain        conservation  of  matter  and
               abstract  objects,  numbers,           energy.  This  model  surely
               operations, functions, matrices,       does not explain the creatio

               and  other  mathematical               ex nihilo, but rather merely
               entities,  that  comprise  the         shows  something  comes
               wave-function equation”.               out  of  something.  (Ref:
                  As  it  shall  be  explained        Deltete  and  Guy,  1997;

               later,  it  is  obvious  that          Craig, 1997)
               Smith’s  interpretation  of               As Grünbaum (1991: 233)
               nothingness  is  not  what             rightly  points  out,  “such

               philosophers basically mean            physicists  as  Hartle  and
               by it.                                 Hawking        (1983)       and
                  Moreover,  Smith  does              Vilenkin      (1983)      speak

               not     explain     how      his       misleadingly  of  certain
               abstract  world  stands  in            primordial  physical  states
               relation  to  the  physical            as nothing”.
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