Page 228 - Pure Life 33
P. 228

De-militarization of Language… K.R. Jamani. & A.A. Shameli (227

               amygdala  (the  fear  center           out  loud,  affects  both
               of the brain).                         listeners     and      readers,

                  This  releases  dozens  of          increasing      anxiety     and
               stress-producing  hormones             irritability and significantly
               and neurotransmitters, which           reducing human cooperation

               in  turn  interrupts  our              and collaboration. (Ibid: 146)
               brains’ functioning. This is              Therefore,         it      is
               especially  with  regard  to           concluded that in practical,

               logic, reason, and language.           whenever  a  person  is
               Angry  words  send  alarm              learning a new language, he
               messages through the brain,            or she is not learning a new

               and  they  partially  shut             technique  of  talking  only;
               down       the    logic     and        but also unconsciously and
               reasoning centers located in           unintentionally  learning  a

               the  frontal  lobes.  (Ref:            new way of thinking.
               Cass, 2017)
                  Our  Sarf  and  Nahw                    2.  Human  Aura  and
               textbooks  are  filled  with                  its Effects

               violent  words,  phrases  and          In  dictionaries,  the  Aura
               sentences. We have multiple            has  been  defined  as  Any
               examples       where      these        subtle  (something  difficult

               world have been used.                  to analyze or describe) and
                  Through       the    words,         it is invisible when released.
               human mind can be shaped                  The  English  authorities

               and  personality  can  be              believe  that  the  origin  of
               developed. Negative words,             term  aura  is  from  Latin,
               whether  written  or  spoken           meaning  “Air”.  While  the
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