Page 227 - Pure Life 33
P. 227
226 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10 (33): 219-239, Winter. 2023
in ways that we might not discussion. Therefore, these
intentionally wish it to be, words are highly valuable
and that the sentences we that cannot be used to
use in our daily life may transferring knowledge
actually restrict us in only; but also, these are the
achieving our goals. tools that will shape
(Smith, 1997: 14) students thinking pattern and
Hence, the words that are personality.
being used in textbooks do Newberg and Robert’s
not carry meaning only, study says: A single word has
they carry tools that shapes the power to influence the
our thinking pattern and expression of genes that
behavior. It means that if regulate physical and
someone wishes to get the emotional stress. Positive
specific behavior from the words, such as “Peace” and
audience, with some “Love”, can alter the
specific words, he or she expression of genes,
can get the desired strengthening areas in our
behavior. frontal lobes and promoting
Plus if the objective is the brain’s cognitive
not to reach to the defined functioning. They propel the
goals or distract audience motivational centers of the
from their path, that could brain into action, according to
also be possible from the the authors, and build
selection of words being resiliency. However, a
used in textbooks, class single negative word can
lecture and student increase the activity in our