Page 230 - Pure Life 33
P. 230
De-militarization of Language… K.R. Jamani. & A.A. Shameli (229
our aura, changing its today. They are making
energetics, hence, it an explicit move. The
influences on our physical enemy is entering the
state. It turns out that being arena from all sides.
an altruist is beneficial for The officials of the
the health. (Anufrieva and country, all capable
Anufriev, 2018: 4) personalities and the
masses of the people
Research Analytic should do whatever they
1. Enemy’s Plot: can in the face of this
Militarization in enemy. They should
Since the beginning of this prepare themselves in
every area and field that
world, there are two powers they can and they
against each other should be present in the
consistently working to arena. They should have
defeat the other. The wise a sense of responsibility.
is someone who (Imam Khamenie, 2019)
understands the enemy’s
plot and makes his strategy As said attacking from
accordingly. all the sides which includes
Imam Khamenei- The education system as well,
leader of the Islamic there are so many examples
Republic of Iran- says: of enemy attacks that can
You should notice that be seen in traditional
our enemy is busy schooling systems’ textbooks.
attacking from all sides Plus the educational agenda