Page 167 - Pure Life 35
P. 167
166 / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023
3. Arousing the Emotions Mentor must choose the
and Nature of the Learner method that fits his trainee’s
along with Education character so that the teacher
In the commentary does not feel inferior and
“Maw’iẓatil-ḥasanah” or inferior; But the teacher should
Good Preaching (Ref: Quran, feel that the teacher is really
16: 125) he says: sincere and trying to improve
One should not be satisfied him. (Maududi, 2018)
only with persuading the
mind of the learner; But 5. Using Sensory Examples to
one should try to arouse his Teach Extrasensory Content
emotions and nature and by The educational points from
warning him about bad Maududi's interpretation in
deeds, fear should be these verses of Surah
created in his soul. “Ghashia”, consists of:
(Maududi, 2018) “Will they not then
consider the camels, how
4. Compassion of the Mentor they are created? * And the
and the Appropriate Method heaven, how it is reared
In Tafsir “Maw’iẓatil-ḥasanah”, aloft * And the mountains,
the teacher should not behave how they are firmly fixed *
his trainee from the position of And the earth, how it is
arrogance and pride; But he made a vast expanse?”.
should be compassionate, (Quran, 88: 17-20)
serious and sincere in uprising