Page 176 - Pure Life 35
P. 176
Comparative Analysis of the… S.S.H. Abedi & M.R. Mousavinasab (175
scares people from the evil B: Maududi
consequences of bad deeds,
and on the other hand, it - The real virtue of a
gives them good news Muslim is with knowledge
about the sweet and and faith, not by sitting
desirable results that follow near the Prophet.
from good deeds. - Education with correct and
timely principles and methods
- It is true that man wants
to understand everything heals the learner's soul.
based on the sense of truth- - The teacher's duty is
seeking and inquisitiveness, superior to education, along
but it should be noted that with education, he is also
knowing everything is not responsible for refining his
beneficial to him, but morals.
understanding some of the
contents is harmful and will - Good preaching means
cause him regret; Such as: that the teacher is not only
Prying into the secrets of satisfied with the mental
other people's lives, asking persuasion of the learner;
about something that is But also works to arouse
forbidden to know, his emotions and nature.
something that causes an - The teacher does not
exhausting task. speak to the student out of
arrogance; but speaks with
sincerity and compassion.