Page 171 - Pure Life 35
P. 171
170 / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023
After finding a negative research and is related to the
answer, the research journey researcher. This point is that
starts again, until the the learner needs to get rid of
researcher reaches a final and partiality, prejudices and
convincing answer. fanaticism. (Ref: Maududi,
Therefore, here the veil is 2018)
removed from one of the
characteristics of human 11. Timely Use of
cognition process, and that is Conditions and Situations
that learning is formed in Suitable for Learning
humans in stages and is a Prophet Yusuf, as he was a
gradual phenomenon, not a divine prophet and a sincere
preacher, did not neglect his
sudden one. If we don't say
that it is always like this, at duty, which is to preach the
least it is like this in some religion, even in prison, and
cases. (Maududi, 2018) made full use of the
opportunity that arose. When
10. Clearing Oneself of any those prisoners who had a
Bias in Research dream came to his majesty for
In Quran, we read: interpretation. Before giving
“… Stand up just for the interpretation, he introduced
Allah…”. (Quran, 34: 46) them to the source of his
knowledge, which is God
Maududi mentions an Almighty, and to monotheism.
important point of learning (Ref: Quran, 12: 36-40)
and research, which is
considered a prerequisite for