Page 175 - Pure Life 35
P. 175


            174  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023

               - There is a talent in human              - Balanced person develops
               existence that can manifest               all  his  organs  and  all  his
               all  the  divine  names  and              mental      powers      in     a
               become  the  manifestation                balanced way.
               of all of them. This talent is

               unique to humans, and if it               -  Education  system  is
               becomes  effective  in  all               desirable  and  satisfactory
               affairs,  that  is,  if  it  has  all     when  it  is  based  on  the

               the  names,  then  such  a                solid  foundations  of  Islam.
               person  will  be  the  Khalifa            Building  such  a  huge
               of Allah.                                 building undoubtedly requires
                                                         precise  engineering  that  is
               -  The  teacher  has  an                  possible  in  the  light  of
               essential  role  in  education,           Islamic education philosophy.
               especially     the    revealed

               sciences  (Teacher-centered               - Science is the food of the
               education  in  some  Quranic              soul and before consuming
                                                         it,  it  needs  to  be  carefully
                                                         received in the channel like
               -  The  group  plays  a                   the teacher.
               significant  role  in  human

               learning, both in a positive              - One of the most common
               and     negative      direction           methods  of  the  Quran  in
               (Learner-centered education               education  is  the  use  of
               in  some  verses  of  the                 warning  and  giving  good

               Quran).                                   news. As a general method,
                                                         on  one  hand,  the  Quran
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