Page 173 - Pure Life 35
P. 173
172 / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023
- He should be a person of We must establish a new
action. education system that can
- He should not be a meet our current needs as a
follower of carnal whims. Muslim nation, free and
(Ref: Maududi, 2018) seeking progress. (Ref:
Siddiqui, 1998: 218&231)
14. The Education System
Serves the Goals of its own Similarities and Differences
Society of Religious Education
Maududi believed that every According to the explanation
education system serves a of the religious education
specific civilization and culture. ideas of Ayatollah Misbah
Every university serves a Yazdi and Abul-A'la Maududi,
particular culture. A teaching some of the similarities and
that is devoid of any color and differences of these two
face has not been given in any approaches are shown in the
university till date. Every table below:
school offers a teaching that
has a special color and a
special form and method, and
this color and form of this
teaching is determined after
thorough consideration, according
to the culture that it is
supposed to serve.