Page 172 - Pure Life 35
P. 172
Comparative Analysis of the… S.S.H. Abedi & M.R. Mousavinasab (171
Maududi's interpretation i.e. the issue of monotheism
shows that an honest and and polytheism; Because in
caring teacher is looking for terms of logical order, basics
opportunities, and wherever have priority over principles
and whenever there is a and branches and should be
suitable opportunity for teaching taught first . (Ref: Maududi,
and preaching, he makes full 2018)
use of it and delivers his
message in the best way. (Ref: 13. Characteristics of a Happy
Maududi, 2018) and Successful Learner
In verse 2 of Surah
12. Prioritization in Educational “Baqarah”, the Modudi’s
Stages interpretation of Muttaqeen
The second point that indicates that if the learner
Maududi found from the story wants to be prosper and
of Prophet Yusuf in prison is benefit from the guidance of
prioritization in educational the Quran, he must have
stages based on logical order several characteristics:
in content. - He must distinguish
When Prophet Yusuf started between right and wrong.
teaching those prisoners, he - He should not follow
did not start with the people; But himself he
principles and branches of should be a thinker.
religion; But he started with - He should really seek
the fundamental basis which good.
is the source of the division,