Page 178 - Pure Life 35
P. 178

Comparative Analysis of the… S.S.H. Abedi & M.R. Mousavinasab (177

               Based  on  this  and  in                 List of References
            accordance          with        the

            comparative analysis of these               1. The Holy Quran.
            ideas and approaches: Misbah                2. Dehkhoda, Ali Akbar. (2011).
            Yazdi  and  Maududi  both                   Dehkhoda  Dictionary.  Tehran:
                                                        Tehran  University  Publishing
            consider  Islam  to  have  a                Institute. [In Persian]
            system and a valuable school
            of thought in human sciences                3.  Group  of  Authurs.  (2012).
                                                        Philosophy of Islamic Education.
            specially in education.                     By Under Aytollah Misbah Yazdi.
                                                        2th  Edition.  Tehran:  Madreseh
            Acknowledgment                              Publications. [In Persian]

            The  author  thanks  all  the
                                                        4. Hosseini, Afzal-Sadat. (2022).
            persons who participated in                 Moral Education of Adolescents
            this  study,  as  well  as                  based  on  Religious  Teachings.
                                                        International   Multidisciplinary
            professors  at  Al-Mustafa                  Journal of Pure Life, 9(32), 99-145.
            International University. Also,             [In                      Persian]

            Prof. Rezaei Isfahani (Head       
            of Quran and Hadith Higher                  5. Kulaini, Mohmmad bin Yaqoob.

            Education        Complex)        is         (1986).  Al-Kafi.  Research  by:
                                                        Ali  Akbar  Ghaffari.  4th  Edition.
            specially thanked for general               Tehran: Islami publications. [In Arabic]

            supervision  on  this  PhD                  6. Maududi, Syed Abul-A'la. (2018).
            Thesis.                                     Tafhim  al-Quran.  New  Delhi:

                                                        Markazi Maktaba Islami Publishers.
                                                        [In Urdu]
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