Page 177 - Pure Life 35
P. 177
176 / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023
- To teach extrasensory and preaching, he makes
content, using sensory full use of it and conveys
examples is better. his message in the best
possible way.
- Before starting the
training, a learner is - One of the criteria for
selected who has ability, prioritization in educational
seriousness and honesty in stages is based on the
acquiring knowledge, the logical order in the content.
issue of the student's
wealth, age, and etc., is not - A successful learner is a
taken into account. person of independent
thinking, a person of
- There is a level of inner- action, a seeker of good
peace that is related to and against ego.
objective observation in - Every education system
strengthening belief and
faith and peace of heart. serves a certain civilization
and culture.
- Cognition happens in
stages. - The Islamic nation needs
an independent education
- An honest and system that can be obtained
compassionate teacher is from the Quran and the
looking for opportunities Sunnah.
and wherever and
whenever there is a suitable
opportunity for teaching