Page 182 - Pure Life 35
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International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Serial Number 3, Summer. 2023, 181-214


            How to Face with Western Sciences Relying on the Humanities
            and the Extent of Benefiting from them with in the Approach
            of Ayatollah Misbah Yazdi

            Syed  Ruhollah  Noorafshan ,  Dr.  Mohammad  Hossein Zarei Rezaei ,
            Syed Jalal Noorafshan   3

                1.* PhD  Student  of  Teachings  Lectureship  Department,  Faculty  of  Theology,  Farabi  College,

                University of Tehran, Qom, Iran (Corresponding Author)

                2.  Assistant  Prof.  in  Department  of  Theology  and  Islamic  Studies,  Taleghani  Branch,
                Farhangian University, Qom, Iran,

                3. Level 3rd of Jurisprudence and Principles, Sadducee Seminary, Seminary of Qom, Qom, Iran,

           ARTICL INFO           ABSTRACT
           Article History:         SU  BJECT AND OBJECTIVES: There are different theories about how
           Received: 19 May 2023    to deal with western sciences, especially western humanities. From
           Revised: 01 August 2023   secular  intellectuals  who  consider  Western  science  and  technology
           Accepted: 08 August 2023   the only way to progress. As for others who believe that no golden
                                    leaf can be found in Western science and civilization that can be used.
           Key Words:
                                    METHOD  AND  FINDING:  The  research  method  in  this  article  is
           Western Sciences         descriptive and analytical and of the library type. The findings indicate
                                    that  from  Ayatollah  Mesbah's  viewpoint,  in  the  face  of  western
           H u m a n i t i e s      science, damage has been done that should be avoided. Among these
                                    harms,  we  can  mention  the  political  and  nationalist  approach,  self-
           M i s b a h   Y a z d i
                                    defeating,  eclecticism,  and  the  adaptation  of  religion  to  Western
           DOI:                     science.  The  correct  approach  is  western  science  and  should  be
           10.22034/imjpl.2023.15948.1093  criticized  and  selected  in  this  context.  But  for  some  reasons,  the
                                    benefits of  these  sciences are  minimal in  most fields. especially the
           DOR:                     foundations  and  assumptions,  rational  and  descriptive  methodology
           20.1001.1.26767619.2023.   and the normative aspect of human sciences; But the use of basic sciences,
                                    experimental sciences and experimental methodology can be maximized.

                                    CONCLUSION:  According  to  Ayatollah  Mesbah,  western  sciences
                                    can  be  used  in  general;  But  the  extent  of  their  application  in

                                    different  fields  is  not  the  same.  A  difference  should  be  made
                                    between the foundations and methods and findings of science.

                 NUMBER OF                  NUMBER OF                NATIONALITY OF
                REFERENCES                   AUTHORS                     AUTHOR
                     31                          3                         (Iran)

           * Corresponding Author:

           Email:        Article Address Published on the Journal Site:

           ORCID: 0000-0002-2698-6723  
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