Page 183 - Pure Life 35
P. 183
182 / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023
Introduction - AntiWesterners consider
Any system of thought that the Western world to be a
claims to be civilized and world of absolute infidelity
globalized must define its and darkness.
boundaries with the West in
all areas of culture, technology, - The third approach is
intellectual foundations, and analysis of the West which
especially the humanities. involves critique and selection.
Today, the West has been This article seeks to collect
accompanied by advances in and analyze the theories of
science and technology and Ayatollah Misbah Yazdi about
has attracted many people. Western sciences and the
The result is that even the extent to which they benefit.
fundamental weaknesses of Therefore, the question is,
the West and Western from Ayatollah Misbah's viewpoint,
sciences are not seen by some how should the Western
Westernized and self- humanities be dealt with, and
defeating intellectuals. is there a detail in this regard?
There are three main Once the way of dealing
approaches to dealing with with different dimensions of
these achievements: Western sciences is determined,
- Westerners have accepted it is possible to predict to
it all and believe that one what extent the benefit of
should become completely different dimensions of these
Western. sciences is.