Page 204 - Pure Life 35
P. 204
How to Face with Western Sciences … S.R. Noorafshan et al (203
The Degree of Benefit from scientific findings of the
Western Sciences Western world.
In the face of Western - First: The basics and
science, one must be realistic principles of the subject;
and free from religious and
racial prejudice; Therefore, its - Second: Methodology
scientific endeavors and - Third: The superstructure
practical experiences cannot dimension of Western
be ignored. Also, mere sciences, which can be
Western advances in divided into two descriptive
technology should not be and normative dimensions.
intimidating and self-
defeating. 1. Basics and Statutory
Not all the scientific Principles
findings of the Western world The Western world is facing
can be condemned as one. serious criticism in all areas
The extent to which they of the principles of the subject
benefit from the scientific and the intellectual
findings of the Western world foundations of the sciences.
varies from field to field. In the fields of epistemology,
From what has been said, it ontology, anthropology, arithmetic,
can be concluded that a and even theology, the
distinction must be made Western world is seriously
between three areas of distorted and can not be relied
different layers and the on at all by our scientific and
academic circles.