Page 205 - Pure Life 35
P. 205
204 / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023
The Western world needs a A school that is deviant in
fundamental revision in terms terms of epistemology and
of the principles and philosophical foundations can
principles of the subject, and not be methodologically
new intellectual foundations trustworthy. Many of the
must be laid for it. deviations and misdirections
The use of Western of the Western sciences,
sciences in this field is especially in the field of
minimal and insignificant. humanities, are due to the
Perhaps the greatest benefit to empirical methodology that
the Western world in this prevails in the Western world
regard is related to new issues and overuse sense and
and suspicions that need to be experience.
reasoned; Especially regarding In the Western world, the
the issues of values and method of reasoning and the
philosophy of ethics, new and use of narrative data,
important issues have been especially the teachings of
raised in Western scientific revelation, has not yet found
circles that have received less its place. The utilization of
attention in the Islamic world Western sciences is maximum
and our universities. (Misbah only in experimental
Yazdi, 2010b: 38-39) methodology; But in rational-
analytical methodology as
2. Methodology well as narrative method, it
Methodology is directly will be minimal.
influenced by epistemology.