Page 203 - Pure Life 35
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            202  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023

            religious       thought        and        each  other  are  outside  the
            philosophical  thought,  and              realm  of  human  relationship
            today  it  is  the  turn  of              with  God  and  are  therefore
            empirical  thinking,  not  only           alien to religion; But from the
            does  not  accept  the  all-              Muslim viewpoint, religion is

            encompassing         nature      of       comprehensive  and  includes
            science  and  religion;  Rather,          all  individual  and  social
            he  considers  the  principle  of         issues  of  man  and  includes

            religiosity  as  a  cause  of             human relations with God and
            backwardness. (Misbah Yazdi,              man with other human beings
            2016: 251)                                and  all  areas  of  social,

               In Western culture, religion           political  and  international
            is  not  comprehensive  and  is           issues;  Because  from  the
            defined  in  such  a  way  that  it       perspective  of  Islam,  God

            does  not  cover  the  areas  of          rules the world and man.
            social and political issues, and             Therefore,  the  field  of
            religion  only  expresses  man's          politics, economics, education
            relationship  with  God  and              and  management  and  other

            depicts a personal relationship           issues related to human life, is
            with God.                                 a  subset  of  the  rules  and
               From this perspective, social,         values  of  religion.        (Ibid,

            political,  and  international            2012a, Vol. 1: 23)
            issues  and  the  relationship
            between       government       and

            people and governments with
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