Page 174 - Pure Life 36
P. 174

Analyzing the Impact of Re-Organizing… D. Kibirango & S. H. Sajid (173

            aspect  and  stands  as  the              in  critical  thinking  within
            ultimate  source  and  epitome            academic discourse.
            of all forms of perfection that           -  Justice:  Ensuring  fairness,
            manifest in the universe.                 equity, and impartiality in the

               Secondly,       following      a       distribution  of  educational
            religious     worldview,        the       resources and opportunities.
            foundational principles guiding

            the  structuring  of  the  higher         -  Pure  Life,  Ideal  Human
            education  system  encompass              Existence:  Aspiring  toward
            a range of fundamental values:            the cultivation of a life deeply

            -  Intellect  ('Aql),  Revelation,        rooted in purity, integrity, and
            and Experience: Acknowledging             spiritual  fulfillment  as  an
            these  as  primary  sources  that         ultimate  goal  of  human

            enable  the  identification  and          existence.
            validation of authentic values            -  Merit  of  Righteous  Deeds:
            within educational settings.              Placing       significance      on

                                                      ethical  conduct  and  moral
            -  Reality  and  Rationality:
            Fostering an environment that             virtues as essential components

            values empirical evidence and             of the educational ethos.
            logical reasoning as pillars for          -  Coherence:  Striving  for  a
            understanding and interpreting            harmonious  integration  of

            knowledge.                                diverse sources of knowledge
                                                      and  perspectives  within  the
            -  Freedom:  Upholding  the               educational framework.

            freedom  to  explore  ideas,
            express  opinions,  and  engage
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