Page 184 - Pure Life 36
P. 184

Analyzing the Impact of Re-Organizing… D. Kibirango & S. H. Sajid (183

            Social Impacts Based on Religion          assurance  and  determination.
            and Spirituality in Uganda's              As  elucidated  in  the  Qur’an
            Higher Education System                   (8:  65)  religious  principles
                                                      profoundly shape the mindset,
            1. Strengthening Patriotism,              impel  motivation,  and  fortify
            Determination and Trust                   self-assurance  by  cultivating
            Inculcating      religious     and        self-awareness, understanding

            spiritual principles within the           of purpose, comprehension of
            framework          of       higher        surroundings,  and  connection
            education  engenders  spiritual           with the divine.

            equilibrium  and  tranquility,               Consequently,  motivation
            fostering attributes like resolve,        stemming  from  faith  endures
            determination, and self-assurance.        with greater steadfastness and
               Individuals  fortified  with           constancy        compared        to

            self-assurance actively engage            motivations  grounded  solely
            in  pivotal  decision-making              in  materialistic  or  worldly
            processes        and       proffer        aspirations.

            innovative propositions. Their               Additionally,       spirituality
            confidence shields them from              stimulates  patriotism.  Spiritual
            apprehensions regarding critiques,        nutrition  strengthens  national

            enabling  them  to  embrace               confidence and self-sufficiency
            diverse      perspectives      and        and  leads  to  the  continuity
            benefit     from     constructive         and  development  of  desired

            feedback,  thereby  adeptly               political    structures.     (Ref:
            fulfilling their responsibilities.        Ghadr       Welayat      Cultural
               Spirituality  serves  as  the
            wellspring  of  human  self-              Institution, 2007)
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