Page 185 - Pure Life 36
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184 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(36), Autumn. 2023
Thus, a higher education pain, the other organs will
system installed with lose their peace”.
spirituality will produce (Hurr Amili, 2008)
graduates who are motivated
and self-sufficient for the Today, we have many
development and achievement enemies in our country trying
of national goals and plans. to destroy national solidarity.
Thus, we need a system of
2. Unity, Social Solidarity, higher education that will
and Integration instill the spirit of national
Basing the higher education unity. This system is none
system on religion and other than the religious and
spirituality will lead to social spiritual system. To emphasize
solidarity and integration. that, Imam Khomeini said:
Creating unity and “Pay attention to
maintaining social integrity is spirituality, divine duty and
one of the other functions of remembrance of God,
spirituality in society. This is maintain unity and
due to the concept of religious establish brotherhood”.
brotherhood, which originates (Imam Khomeini, 1999)
from the elixir of spirituality.
(Misbah Yazdi, 2013, Vol. 3: 94) 3. Development and Prosperity
Also, the prophet Muhammad The primary goal of Uganda's
said: educational framework centers
“Believers are like organs on fostering development and
prosperity, with substantial
of the same body so that if
one organ suffers from governmental investment directed