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            178   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(36), Autumn. 2023

            characterized       by     devout         distinct  faculties  and  diverse
            servitude  to  the  divine,  and          academic  departments.  For
            the  attainment  of  a  life              instance,  within  the  purview
            marked       by     virtue     and        of the Faculty of Science and

            fulfillment.                              Technology,         one       such
               Hence,        it      becomes          objective  entails  acquainting
            imperative        within       this       educators      with      religious

            educational  framework  to                viewpoints  concerning  the
            foster     and      cultivate     a       domain      of     science     and
            primordial disposition conducive          technology.

            to  the  establishment  of  an               This     entails     equipping
            identity  rooted  in  devout              educators with a comprehensive
            servitude     to    the    divine,        understanding          of      the

            ultimately  culminating  in  the          significance  of  science  and
            realization  of  a  life  imbued          knowledge,  the  underlying
            with  virtue  and  fulfillment.           purpose of scientific pursuits,
            (Davoudi  &  Karamadpishe,                the  ethical  utilization  of

            2021)                                     scientific  advancements  in
               Finally,      the      specific        daily  life,  and  the  ethical
            immediate  objectives  within             conduct expected of scholarly

            higher  education,  akin  to              practitioners      within      the
            other     overarching       goals,        scientific  realm,  among  other
            ought  to  align  with  the               pertinent         considerations.

            prescribed foundational principles.       (Group of Authors, 2017)
            These  objectives  encapsulate
            specialized  aims  tailored  for
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