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            182   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(36), Autumn. 2023

            agenda.  Such  an  approach                  mail, and keep the measure
            serves  to  mitigate  issues                 in  arranging  [the  links],
            stemming  from  neglect  or                  and       act     righteously.
            irresponsible governance, thereby            Indeed,  I  watch  what  you

            curbing  challenges  associated              do”. (Qur’an, 34: 10-11)
            with inadequate administration.
               Consequently, this substantiates          This verse illustrates religion's

            the  pivotal  role  of  religion          advocacy for practical education,
            and      spirituality    as     the       evident  in  the  directive  to
            underpinning  cornerstone  of             “Make easy coats of mail”.

            Uganda's  higher  education                  This signifies that adherence
            framework.                                to  religious  teachings  may
                                                      enable  students  of  science  to
            6. Creativity and Actualization           engage        in       innovative

            of Talents                                practices,  leveraging  natural
            Religion      and      spirituality       resources  for  the  creation  of
            result  in  creativity  and  the          various tools. Such an approach

            actualization  of  talents.  This         fosters  the  development  of
            can  be  evidenced  in  the               practical     and      vocational
            Qur’an  when  God  instructs              proficiencies, potentially positioning

            His prophet, David:                       our  nation  on  a  global  scale
               “…  Certainly,  We  gave               akin to countries like Iran.
               David  our  grace:           ‘O

               mountains and birds, chime
               in with him!’ And We made
               the  iron  soft  for  him,  *
               saying, ‘Make easy coats of
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