Page 124 - Pure Life 37
P. 124

A Critique on the Philosophical Foundations… T. Dehghanpour & M.M. Gorjian (123

                       issues such as power, science,            person  benefits  from  in

                       education,  sports,  art,  and            interaction with others.
                       especially      social     action            According to Bourdieu, habit
                       concerning  the  objective  and           is     after     the     symbolic

                       subjective     dimensions       of        dimension  of  social  life  and
                       social life, i.e., the fields and         can  be  called  narratives
                       habits  at  macro,  medium  and           embodied in bodies. Bourdieu

                       micro levels have analyzed.               calls  the  value  priority  taste
                         From Bourdieu’s viewpoint,              and  uses  lifestyle  instead  of
                       the social space community is             the consumption model. Social
                       composed of an interconnected             function  or  praxis  is  also  a

                       set  of  fields  and  people  who         flow  that  takes  place  and
                       are  located  in  the  fabric  of         actualizes  through  action.
                       these  fields  and  interact  and         (Grenfell, 2014)

                       compete  with  each  other                   Bourdieu does not mention
                       individually  and  socially  to           the philosophical infrastructures
                       obtain the capital available in           and     the     foundations      of

                       the  fields,  while  they  can            metaphysical ontology. Although
                       change  or  reproduce  this               it  can  be  concluded  that  his
                       space through this interaction            intellectual system is based on

                       that.  The  social  field  is  the        materialism, some researchers
                       place  where  social  actors              considered  him  a  thinker  in
                       interact,    and    the     social        the     field    of    dialectical

                       structure  is  history  embodied          materialism.
                       in objects.
                         Bourdieu  considers  social             •  Epistemological Assumptions

                       class  to  include  people  who           Bourdieu  considers  sociology
                       are  in  a  similar  position  in         a  theoretical  and  practical
                       terms  of  capital,  taste,  and          knowledge that has both proof
                       lifestyle. From his viewpoint,            and interpretation aspects. He

                       capital  is  a  capability  that  a       considers       the     task     of
                                                                 sociology to plan and analyze
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