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                       58  /    International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 11(38), Spring. 2024
                         The  second  point  refers  to          can  have  different  effects  on
                       the argument that Mulla Ṣadrā             different  places.  For  example,

                       has  presented  to  prove  the            water  in  the  world  is  a  liquid
                       immorality  of  the  mentioned            and when it comes into contact
                       actions.  In  his  opinion,  these        with  something,  it  moistens

                       actions are reprehensible since           that  thing,  but  water  does  not
                       they  are  deviations  from  the          have such an effect in imaginal
                       reason and revealed rulings.              and intellectual worlds.

                         The third point, which can be              In  the  same  way,  moral
                       considered as the logical support         dispositions  also  have  a
                       of the reason and revealed ruling         different  effect  in  this  world

                       is  that  the  aforementioned             and the hereafter, e.g., anger in
                       actions  lead  to  unfortunate            this  world  brings  effects  such
                       effects and consequences such as          as  redness  of  the  face  and
                       separating       lineage       and        warmth  of  the  body,  but  it  is

                       inheritance,  challenging  the            not  unlikely  that  in  the
                       upbringing       of      children,        hereafter  will  appear  as  a  fire

                       disruption  of  the  system,              that will burn its owner. (Ibid,
                       chaos,  sedition,  and  rebellion.        1981b: 329-330)
                       These  results  are  the  real               Based on the acceptance of the
                       consequences  of  unethical  acts         embodiment  of  actions,  the

                       (Mulla  Ṣadrā,  1981a,  Vol.7,            repetition  of  each  of  the
                       103-106).  Therefore,  Mulla              actions causes the formation of
                       Ṣadrā's  moral  view  can  be             sensual properties corresponding

                       considered realistic in terms of          to it, and these sensual properties
                       real practical consequences.              appear  in  the  next  world  in
                                                                 physical  forms  corresponding
                       The  Manifestation  of  Inner             to  that  world.  Therefore,  each
                       Attributes                                of  lust,  anger,  envy,  hatred,
                       Each of the inner attributes or           arrogance, conspiracy, hypocrisy,
                       dispositions  has  a  special             complacency,  or  their  reverse

                       appearance  in  every  one  of            characteristics  have  a  reality
                       each  abode  and  world  (Ibid,           that  the  eyes  of  many  people

                       1981b: 329). Therefore, a face
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