Page 84 - Pure Life 38
P. 84

An Analysis of the Impacts of Religious Ethics Principles … M. Askarinejad et al (83

                       examples  of  Ḥikmat  that                Wisdom  is  the  fruit  of
                       manifested         in        their        managing       the    faculty    of

                       recognition.  In  other  words,           intellect by which man receives
                       they  are  not  something  apart          knowledge and finds cognition
                       from  wisdom.  In  this  regard,          on the reality of all existents.

                       Ṣadr     ad-Dīn      Muḥammad                 •  Makr  (Sophistry)  as  al-
                       Shīrāzī,  known  as  Mullā                        Ifrāṭ (Exaggeration) Side
                       Ṣadrā, said,                                      of Theoretical Intellect

                             Intellect is the best faculty       If  a  man  does  not  manage
                             of  the  human  being  by           his/her  faculty  of  intellect,  it
                             which  man  can  become             will  sometimes  incline  toward

                             the successor of Almighty           Makr  which  is  called  al-
                             Allah  (SWT)  in  the               Jarbazah. Sophistry is an ability
                             mundane world and excel             to  deceive others which is laid
                             all angels through wisdom,          into  the  al-Ifrāṭ  (exaggeration)

                             defined as cognition about          side of wisdom.
                             the  truth  of  things  as  they

                             are   (Mullā Ṣadrā, 1981a:             Although       man      applies
                             137).                               his/her intellect in sophistry, it
                                                                 is  not  appropriate  to  call  it
                         He  considered  wisdom  as
                       the  elixir of life by which man          wisdom  since  s/he  merges  it

                       gets a lot of goodness whenever           with  lies  and  dissimulation  to
                       drinks     it     (Ibid:     275).        mislead        people.      Mulla
                       Furthermore,  Almighty  Allah             Mohammad  Mahdi  Narāqī
                       (SWT)        has       repeatedly         defined  sophistry  in  the  1
                       mentioned wisdom as abundant              volume  of  his  book,  Jāmiʿ  al-
                       good  and  the  objective  of             Saʿādāt  as,  “Finding  hidden

                       sending Prophets (PBUH) (Ref:             ways to deceive others. Hence,
                       The Qur’an, 2: 269; 3: 164).              it is vice for theoretical intellect
                         Therefore, it is mandatory to           and the most  lethal factor and

                       monitor the faculty of intellect          mortal  sin”  (Narāqī,  2002,
                       to  be  in  moderate  status  from        Vol.1: 426-427).
                       which      emanates      wisdom.
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