Page 90 - Pure Life 38
P. 90

An Analysis of the Impacts of Religious Ethics Principles … M. Askarinejad et al (89

                             Chastity  is  at  the  top  of      mentioned.           Disapproving
                             all  good  things  (Āmadī           Sharah and introducing Jews as

                             Tamīmī,  1989:  Ḥadīth              more  greedy  than  pagans  in
                             1168).                              mundane life, Allah (SWT) said,
                         Enumerating  the  virtues  for                 “Surely,  you  will  find

                       ‘Iffat, Ibn Miskawayh said,                      them  the  greediest  for
                             Following  chastity  man                   life,  of  all  people  even
                             can  find  diverse  virtues                the  idolaters.  Each  of

                             like  comfort,  patience,                  them  is  eager  to  live  a
                             generosity,        freedom,                thousand  years,  though
                             contentment,  gentleness,                  it would not deliver him

                             regularity, reconciliation,                from  the  punishment,
                             solemnity,  best  guidance                 were  he  to  live  [that
                             and piety (Ibn Miskawayh                   long].      And       Allah

                             2014: 106).                                watches  what  they  do”
                                                                        (The Qur’an, 2: 96).
                          •  Sharah (Greediness) as
                              al-Ifrāṭ  (Exaggeration)           In  this  respect,    Imam  Ali
                              Side  of  the  Faculty  of         (PBUH) said,
                              Concupiscence                             A greedy man never finds

                       Clarifying  Sharah,  the  late                   relaxing (Āmadī Tamīmī,

                       Narāqī said, “The man obeys all                  1989: Ḥadīth 6601).
                       desires  e.g.,  sexual  desires,              •  Khomūd (Subsidence) as
                       appetite for eating and drinking,                 al-Tafrīṭ     (Simplicity)

                       property accumulation, etc. It is                 Side  of  the  Faculty  of
                       also called extreme avidity for                   Concupiscence
                       eating  and  having  sex.  Hence,         Khomūd  means  to  be  listless

                       greediness is more general than           and  lassitude  to  look  for
                       other  vices  for  the  faculty  of       necessary  enjoyments  even  if
                       concupiscence  and  their  origin         ones permitted by religion and
                       (Narāqī, 2002, Vol.2: 17).                intellect (Ṭūsī, 1953: 120).

                         Disgracing  Sharah,  several               Khomūd  is  a  kind  of
                       verses  of  the  Qur’an  and              suppression against the faculty

                       narrations       have        been
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