The Commencement of the 18th Conference of Managers and Representatives of Al-Mustafa International University

The 18th Conference of Managers and Representatives of Al-Mustafa International University commenced this morning at the central headquarters of Al-Mustafa International University.

Hujjutul Islam wal Muslimeen Qanbari, Deputy of Communications and International Affairs of Al-Mustafa, in the opening ceremony of this conference, welcomed all the managers and representatives of Al-Mustafa, noting: "This year's conference is dedicated to the topic of admissions at Al-Mustafa, and we hope to make good decisions in this regard for the future progress of Al-Mustafa."

He went on to review some of the resolutions from past conferences and presented a report on the actions taken.

It is noteworthy that the 18th Conference of Managers and Representatives of Al-Mustafa will continue from today until Thursday, 14th Teer.