The meeting of criticism and scientific debate about science and religion events was held in the Al-Mostafa virtual university


According to the Virtual University’s public relations report, The meeting of criticism and scientific debate with the topic of "Analysis and review about the science and religion events" was held with the research deputy and the Hekmat and Motaleat Group’s professors of the Virtual University by face to face and online method in the meeting hall of the university.

In this scientific meeting, the relation’s events of science and religion from the perspective of Islam and west thinkers, have been analyzed and investigated By Hojjatol Islam Barati and Masalegoo as the discussion presenter and professors of the Hekmat and Religious Studies Department as the Critics and Dr. Asadaf as the secretary.

Western scholars have identified the relation between science and religion as a conflict during the last 500 years and since the Renaissance era so far, and this relativity has been emphasized in all scientific aspects. Rationalism in philosophy, positivism in science, secularism in politics and humanism in human society has been presented by them. The efforts of these scholars have been a permanent confrontation between religion and human life and science. These people have been trying to identify and introduce the various contradictions of science and religion in divine books. The great scholars who have been following this path so far.

Islam and great thinkers, especially Allameh Tabataba'i, Shahid Motahhari and Imam Khomeini (RA) have responded to these thoughts and ideas. From the point of view of Islam, there is no conflict between science and religion, just as the conceptualization of perception and nature intelligence which is mentioned in the Qur'an is not known for them, also the conception of its being scientific, has not been defined. From their point of view, science is defined as experience, and religion is defined as conception and conceptional and intuitive matters does not have comprehending.

God is the Creator of nature and the Creator of religion. All sciences and nature come from one action and it is God’s action, therefore we cannot separate any science from God’s science, and God has the aristocracy of nature, existence and human.

Imam Khomeini (RA) says; The song of the separation of religion and science was played from the West, and religion and politics are separated which is a mistake, and religion is like that mathematical rules are changed, which is not possible.