Page 96 - Pure Life 11
P. 96

Playing the Gospel of Video Games  /95

                   Like stand alone RPGs the MMORPG offers a level up
               system.  Experience  is  gained  from  killing  monsters  or
               performing various other tasks.
                   The MMORPG typically has a storyline for the player
               to  follow  that,  provides  commentary  about  social,
               political, and religious issues. It also explores the notion
               of good vs evil, but will blend the notion in ways that may
               challenge  assumptions  of  the  player.  The  most  notable
               game of this category is World of Warcraft (WOW).
                   Since  his  release  in  2004  WOW  had  five  expansions
               packs, each of them offering more content and religious and
               mythological  lore,  expanded  the  world,  brought  new
               characters and much more. In game the player have to chose
               a side as Horde or Alliance, which are two enemy groups.
                   After  that  the  player  must  choose  a  race   between
               Orcs,  Taurens  (Minotaur),  Undead  (less  bloodthirsty,
               stylized zombie-skeletons), Blood Elves (lighter skinned,
               pointy eared, magical humans with glowing eyes), Trolls,
               and  Goblins  (if  he  chose  the  Horde)  or  Human,  Dwarf,
               Gnome,  Worgen  (Werewolves),  Night  Elf  (blue  skinned
               rather  than  light  skinned  like  Blood  Elves),  and  the
               Draenei (if he chose the Alliance).
                   After choosing a race the player is prompted to chose a
               class.  There  are  eleven  type  o  classes:   the  paladin  is
               similar  to  a  warrior,  except  it  wields  the  power  of  the
               light. It is played with either a sword and shield or a two
               handed weapon.
                   It  can  absorb  damage  for  your  team,  deal  massive
               damage with both the sword and light power, or can focus
               on healing its teammates with light power. The hunter is a

               1., September 10, 2017.
               2., September 10, 2017.
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