Page 69 - Pure Life 11
P. 69

               68  PURE LIFE, Vol.11.No.4, December. 2017 (Rabīʿ Al-Thānī 1439. Azar 1396)
                  There  is  great  power in  social  polling,  where  learners
               can give their opinion or rate something, like a video, and
               then see what everyone else thinks.
                  This enables learners to explore the gray spaces rather
               than the strict black and white or right and wrong spaces
               E-Learning has often limited itself to in the past.

                   4.  Micro learning
               In  a  world  that  is  perennially  in  haste, micro  learning is
               the trend that is catching up the fastest. This E-Learning
               trend  involves mini  bytes of  learning  content  made
               available to the learner or user to incorporate in his daily
               busy schedule without much difficulty.
                  Micro  learning  utilizes  5-10  minute  videos,  single  page
               documents, focused articles, specific, small chunks of data or
               lessons and other such innovative and concise training resources
               that doesn’t burden the learner with too much cognitive reading.
                  It  can  be  accessed  by  users  via  mobile  and  other
               devices as bits of light reading providing a treasure trove
               of information, making it extremely popular, especially in
               the corporate sector.
                  Micro learning provides a structure to deliver learning content
               in a way that that fits with what we know about how people learn-
               short,  focused,  regular  challenges  that  stretch  and,  perhaps,
               reward  us. It’s  currently  a  huge  success  in  the  United  States
               Education Sector and gradually gaining worldwide popularity.
                  You’ve seen it in learning apps, such as Duolingo, and
               it’s a model that grows with the learner.
                  In  2017  and  beyond  you’ll  see  less  discussion  on
               “resources  not  courses”,  and  more  focus  on  approaches
               that  use  micro  learning  to  personalize  and  structure
               content in digestible sizes.

               1. Hung, 2012, p. 8.
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