Page 70 - Pure Life 11
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Future Studies of Religious Education Based on Virtual Learning /69
                   5.  Informal Training/ Video-Based Training
               Thanks  to  the  internet,  access  to  information  that  one
               needs has never been easier.
                  Individuals,  today,  are  a  click  away  from  gaining
               knowledge, insight, and even adequate training on a matter
               of complete ignorance within a fraction of a second.
                  A  plethora  of  free  and  easily  accessible  informal
               learning    resources     such     as videos, blogs, podcasts,
               and webinars are  coaxing  more  and  more  people  to  take
               notice of this E-Learning trend.
                  Video-based  trainings  are  among  the  most  popular  of
               these resources as they are designed to arrest and engage
               individuals.  People,  old  or  young,  love  watching  videos
               and this trait is being exploited by E-Learning designers as
               well  as  organizations  who  have  began  incorporating
               videos in online learning and training.
                  Video  content  use  is increasing.  By  2019,  video  will
               be  responsible  for 80  percent  of  internet  traffic  around
               the world.
                  This means that internet users will be sharing almost one
               million minutes of video content every second by 2019.
                  Thus,  it’s  no  surprise  Facebook’s Mark  Zuckerberg
               projects that video  will  be  the  most  shared  content  on
               Facebook within in the next five years.
                  This opens the door to integrate video platforms, social
               learning,  and video learning in educational courses.  You
               can use authoring tools like Elucidat as a video platform

               1. Td. org, 2016.
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