Page 122 - Pure Life 23
P. 122
Exploring English Translations of Quran… H. Alimi Baktash and M.H. Amiri / 121
extremely fast) mushabbaha which usedhere as
the Master of 1 1.75% an ism-i maf’ul. Thus, it means
the morning the part of night that has
the Down 1 1.75% broken by the light.
(appear from This word is often used in
the depth of this meaning, because the
darkness) darkness is broken. (Tabatabai,
the daybreak/ 1 1.75% 1397, C. 12: 344)
the day break, 1 1.75% Longman Dictionary has the
and the plain same definition for “daybreak”
appearing and and “dawn” as following: It is
emergence of the time at the beginning of the
truth day when light first appears.
the DAY 1 1.75%
BREAK So, they are both correct;
the Day break 1 1.75% But the word “daybreak” has
the day break 1 1.75% something in its external
structure that denotes the literal
Discussion meaning of falaq which is
Falaq means daybreak/dawn. something has broken.
Falaq has a lot of meanings. There is some sensitiveness
It literally means a break or a about using punctuation in the
slot between two things. It Arabic version of Qur'an. But
derived from f-l-q meaning to as long as it's being translated
split an object in two halves. into the other languages and,
(Look: Lisan al Arab, Ibn it's a common rules to use a
Manzur; Mujam alfazu’l punctuation marks in translated
Qur’anil Karim. Article F-L-Q.) text.
Then, used for daybreak and Which one is correct: to take
dawn – the time at the refuge “in” or “with”?
beginning of the day when light To take refuge has both
first appears. literal and figurative meanings.
According to Allameh Among the literal meanings are
Tabatabai: Falaq is a sifat-i to seek safety in a place and to