Page 127 - Pure Life 23
P. 127



               126  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (23): 107-140, Summer 2020

                when it is intense  1    1.75%        as it deepens    1       1.75%
                when the dark    1       1.75%        (during the night)
                intensified                           when (its)      1        1.75%
                as it descends   1       1.75%        darkness prevails
                as it settles down  1    1.75%        when it has fully   1    1.75%
                if it happens to   1     1.75%        set
                explode within or                     as it gathers   1        1.75%
                beyond one’s                          when it sets in   1      1.75%
                sight                                 when God        1        1.75%
                as it comes with   1     1.75%        covers the earth
                its darkness;                         with
                (or the moon as                       when/if (it)    1        1.75%
                it sets or goes                       penetrated
                away) zoom                            through body
                when it          1       1.75%        pores/ spread/
                overtaketh me                         approached
                when she         1       1.75%        as it falls.zoom   1     1.75%
                spreads her                           when it         1        1.75%
                darkness                              overspreads
                when it spreads   1      1.75%        (at night)
                (and intensifies)                     when darkness    1       1.75%
                when it          1       1.75%        gathers
                the oppressor    1       1.75%       Discussion
                when it cometh   1       1.75%       Iḏhā  waqab  (Iḏhā  is  adverb–
                when it          1       1.75%       Meaning         when/whenever;
                zoom                                 Waqab  is  verb–  Meaning
                when it          1       1.75%       settle/come/enter/overspread,
                overspreads (its                     prevail, etc.).
                gloom)                                  Since  the  conjunctive  noun
                invading         1       1.75%       'when'  here  is  not  used  in
                when it          1       1.75%       question form, rather, it is used
                whenever and     1       1.75%       in  an  affirmative  way.  Plus,
                wherever it                          'whatever' has something more
                is encountered                       (what  +  ever)  which  is  not
                as it spreads    1       1.75%       considered in this verse.
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