Page 126 - Pure Life 23
P. 126

Exploring English Translations of Quran… H. Alimi Baktash and M.H. Amiri  / 125

                Ignorance                               We  have  three  words  to
                the oppressor          1   1.75%     discuss here: "twilight", “dusk”
                                                     and “darkness”.
               Discussion                               According     to    Longman
               Ghāsiq’in     (noun,    meaning       twilight is the small amount of
               darkness).  The  word  ghāsiq  is     light in the sky as the day ends
               derived  from  ghāsaq.  Some          or  the  time  when  day  is  just
               experts  believe  that  it  means     starting  to  become  night,  And
               “to harm”.                            dusk  is  the  time  before  it  gets
                  Thus, ghāsiq is who attacks        dark when the sky is becoming
               and  harms.  According  to            less bright. And the darkness is
               Allamah Tabarsi ghāsaq means          when there is no light.
               “harmful      movement”       and        So, although the twilight and
               ghāsiq  means  who  attacks  to       dusk are so close to the ghāsiq
               harm.  Although  the  origin  of      in  Arabic,  they  also  imply  the
               the word is understood to mean        meaning  of  a  little  light  midst
               harm, but he says, in this verse      night  time  which  is  not
               it  means  “night”.  (Tabarsi,        considered in ghāsiq.
               1380, Chapter Falaq, V. 3)               The  chosen  equal  for  this
                  Ghāsaq  has  been  used  in        phrase  suggested  by  Google
               another  verse  in  the  Holy         translate is: “the oppressor”.
               Quran  in  the  meaning  of                       Table 8
               darkness: “Maintain the prayer         Ithawaqab       Number  Percent

               from  the  sun's  decline  till  the   when it gathers   5      8.77%
               darkness of the night”. (Isra: 78)     when it         4        7.01%
                  According  to  the  Classic         overspreads
               Arabic     dictionaries   ghāsaq       when it comes   3        5.26%
               means  “the  darkness  of  the         as it overspreads  3     5.26%
                                                      when it settles
               beginning  of  night”  and  thus,      when it cometh on  3     5.26%
               ghāsiq  means  “beginning  of          when it sets    3        5.26%
               night,  after  the  disappearance      as it falls     2        3.5%
               of  light”.  (Mukhtar  al-Sihah,       when it spreads around   3.5%

               Article: gh-s-q)                       whenever it     1        1.75%
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