Page 123 - Pure Life 23
P. 123

               122  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (23): 107-140, Summer 2020
               seek  safety  in  the  company  of       The  chosen  equal  for  this
               another  person  or  persons.         phrase  suggested  by  Google
               With     the    former     native     translate is: “Divinity”.
               people tend to  use  “in”:  In  the      So,  the  preferred  translation
               storm,  they  took  refuge in a       is  following:  “Say:  I  seek
               train station.                        refuge  in  the  Lord  of
                  When referring to the latter,      daybreak”.
               they tend to     use      “with”:
               Homeless people take refuge in            2.  Min sharri ma khalaq/
               subway shelters.                                      قلخ ام رش نم
                  I                         have                 Table 5
               emphasized tend because  these                        N umbe r
                                                                     Min sharri  Percent
               are not absolute divisions. You        From the evil   20        35.08%
               will find in religious writing, for     of
               example,  “in”  and  “with”  used      From the evil   13        22.80%
               almost  interchangeably:  Take          of
               refuge in the Lord. Take refuge        From the       3          5.26%
               with  the  Heavenly  Father.            mischief of              3.5%
                                                      From the evils  2
               (    From the       2          3.5%
                  The article 'the' before Lord        mischief of
               is  necessary,  because  Lord  is      From the evil   2         3.5%
               an infinite word. Plus, it should      From the worst of         1.75%
               be  written  in  capital,  because     From the       1          1.75%
               any  noun  or  pronoun  refers  to      mischief
               God  should  be  written  in           From the       1          1.75%
               capital. (Manafi Anari, 2006)          evil in                   1.75%
                                                      Counter to the   1
                  The  article  'the'  before         evil generated
               daybreak is necessary, because         by the spiritual
               it is an infinite word has come        Against the    1          1.75%
               with  “al”  And,  there  is  no        harm in
               reason to capitalize daybreak at       Against the evil of       1.75%
               all, if we don't pay attention to      From the evil    1        1.75%
                                                      aspects of
               the different interpretations.
                                                      From the evil   1         1.75%
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