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               26   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (23): 23-46, Summer 2020
                      Invite  to  the  way  of  your    In  the  Qur’an,  those  who
                      Lord  with  wisdom  and        listen  to  the  speeches  and
                      good     instruction,   and    sayings  of  others  and  follow
                      argue with them in a way       the best ones are introduced as
                      that  is  best.  Indeed,  your   the guides and wise men (Reff:
                      Lord  is  most  knowing  of    Zumar: 18). (Fazeli, n.k)
                      who has strayed from His
                      way,  and  He  is  most           In the Qur’an, dialogue with
                      knowing     of   who     is    opponents is also presented as a
                      [rightly] guided. (Nahl: 125)   good way. In the matter of the
                                                     creation  of  Adam,  God  spoke
                  In  another  verse,  Allah         to  the  angels  and  they  also
               discourages  the  believers  from     expressed     their    opinions.
               conversing with violence:             (Baqarah: 30-32)
                      And do not argue with the         He also talked to Satan, who
                      People  of  the  Scripture     disobeyed  and  God  left  him
                      unless it be in (a way) that   alone  until  the  Resurrection.
                      is better, save with such of   (A’raf: 12-18)
                      them  as  do  wrong;  and         The prophets  also  discussed
                      say:  We  believe  in  that
                      which  hath  been  revealed    with    their    relatives   and
                      unto us and revealed unto      opponents.  Noah  had  the  most
                      you;  our  God  and  your      conversation  with  his  people
                      God is One, and unto Him       for  nine  hundred  and  fifty
                      we surrender. (Ankabut: 46)    years. (Ankabut: 14)
                                                        Abraham,  in  addition  to
                  The holy Qur’an is the book        discussing  with  his  people,
               of dialogue; God’s talking with       talked to the Lord regarding the
               the  Prophet,  angels,  believers     abandonment of the torment of
               and followers.                        Lut. (Hud: 74)
                  In  the  meantime,  Abel  and         Other  prophets  like  Saleh,
               Cain’s  conversations  in  the        Moses  and  Jesus  also  spoke
               Qur’an  can  be  seen  as  the        with  their  people  all  of  which
               literal  symbol  of  the  first       were mentioned in the Qur’an.
               dialogue  in  the  life  of  human    (Mosawiyan, 2006: 1)
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