Page 28 - Pure Life 23
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Social Media … F. Amirfarhangi and A. Ramezani  / 27
                  A  religion  based  dialogue          In    his    view,    another
               took  place  when  a  message  of     challenge      for      interfaith
               God was communicated to the           dialogue is the post-modernism
               people  through  the  prophets;       era that means “each religion is
               when  the  massagers  tried  to       an  independent  system  that
               lead  a  group  of  people;  when     expresses  itself  in  a  particular
               God gave some explanations in         language     and    pattern    of
               response to the questions posed       symbols  that  can  only  be
               by  the  prophets  and  the  issues   understood  in  relation  to  other
               people  needed  or  when  a           words     and    symbols     that
               rational-based  argument  was         constitute a complete system.
               used to invite the other groups          Thus, it seems that interfaith
               of people to think about and be       dialogue is impossible because
               finally convinced with a given        the participants never  speak in
               message. (Fedai Iraqi, 1998: 515)     the same language or mean the

                  However,  in  the  modern  era     same things”. (Rosen, 2016)
               and  in  the  absence  of  any           Rosen also believes that the
               messengers, the dialogue among        violent abuse of religion is the
               the  believers  and  followers  of    biggest  challenge  as  it  puts
               different  religions  has  its  own   peaceful coexistence in danger
               challenges.                           because    of    the    wounded
                  Rosen  believes  that  interfaith   psychology of individuals who
               dialogue tries to view the basis of   think that they lack the respect
               all  religions  the  same  to         and value they deserve.

               minimize  the  differences.    The       As  Cornille writes  dialogue
               challenge  is  that  even  shared     involves  its  own  conditions  or
               values, principles and practices in   requirements  such  as  humility
               different  religions  cannot  make    or recognition of the possibility
               the  people  the  same.  Viewing      of  change  or  growth  in  one’s

               different  religions  as  the  same   own tradition. (Cornille, 2013: 13)
               enables  us  to  learn  from  other      The  authors  of  the  present
               faiths.                               research  believe  that  dialogue
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