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28 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (23): 23-46, Summer 2020
in the virtual space requires its social media is a place through
own skills. which people do interactions.
Thus, prior to any discussion (Miller et al, 2016: 1)
on these skills, they briefly Social media is very
overview social media and its significant due to its two most
role in interfaith dialogue. important characteristics that
distinguish new media from
Social Media traditional mass media
The Oxford Dictionary defines channels and content: ubiquity
social media as the websites and interactivity. (Kasturi and
and applications used for social Vardhan, 2014: 4; See this
networking or communicating reference for the complete list
with other users with similar of key characteristics of social media)
interests to one’s own. (The Ubiquity means new media
Oxford Dictionary, 2011) technologies put effect on
Focusing on the two-way people’s life in the society even
interaction feature of social if they are not the audience of
media, Scott and Jacka believe such a media. Interactivity is
that “social media is a set of “the selectivity and reach that
web-based technology that media technologies offer users
gives people the ability to in their choices of information
emerge from consumers of sources and interaction with
content to publishers”. (Jacka other people”. (Lievrouw and
and Scott, 2011: 5) Livingstone, 2006: 7)
Kasturi and Vardhan also The interaction can be for
believe that the mass media both entertainment and
used for the purpose of social exchanging information; the
interaction is called social first choice is not in the
media. (Kasturi and Vardhan, discussion area of the present
2014: 2) paper; therefore with no need
Miller et al also believes that to repeat the researches already
social media means the done on the history of social
contents people post on media, (Dewing, 2012) current
different forms of its platforms; situation of social media in