Page 26 - Pure Life 23
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Social Media … F. Amirfarhangi and A. Ramezani / 25
mutual understanding but also Dialogue is not a space to
following truth and personal attack or disprove other faiths
growth, in fact it happens at and religions. It does just try to
both individual and increase mutual understanding,
institutional levels. trust and respect.
In brief, interfaith dialogue The importance of dialogue
is all positive and constructive has been discussed in the Holy
inter-religious relations with Quran as it asks various people
individuals and communities of and nations to know each other:
faiths which are directed as (Fassihi, n.k)
mutual understanding and O mankind, indeed we
enrichment to obey the truth have created you from
and respect for freedom male and female and made
(Dialogue and Proclamation, you peoples and tribes that
1991, a document of the you may know one
Catholic. (Forde, 2013: 7) another. Indeed, the most
noble of you in the sight
Forde believes that dialogue of Allah is the most
aims to promote mutual righteous of you. Indeed,
understanding and good Allah is Knowing and
relations, identify the reasons Acquainted. (Hajarat: 13)
of tensions between faiths and
religions, to make In the Holy Qur’an, dialogue
understanding and confidence and negotiation to reach
to prevent or overcome the understanding have a special
tensions, and break down the place.
biases that result in suspicion Among the verses in Qur’an,
and distrust. (Ibid: 8) there are several verses through
In fact, dialogue does not try which the Prophet of Islam
to put aside the differences and (PBUH) and his believers are
achieve a common belief, not called to dialogue with the
to convert the other faiths and people of the Book and
religions. followers of other religions:
(Fassihi, n.k)