Page 59 - Pure Life 23
P. 59
58 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (23): 47-77, Summer 2020
The initial investments in the reconstruct them as horizontal
tools are high because of their structures spread across the
high cost of research and globe through the medium of
development but with increased CST.
consumption of the tools their CST is the energy-field that
prices fall rapidly and return on electrifies and animates the
investment is determined by learning/teaching communities.
rapid volumes of consumption. Knowledge is increasingly
A stark evidence of this is the revealing its inherent democratic
cost-effective accessibility of nature.
smartphones, laptops, and Institutions retain their walls
desktops where the smartphone only to re-functionalise their
is becoming the primary device respective global communities
of highly mobile persons. otherwise they risk becoming
Real time responses are archaic architecture with
instant. This makes the spread of obsolete content as antique
knowledge and information an furniture.
exciting venture. Independent big thinkers as
The disseminators of well as researchers and
knowledge can add worthwhile developers of technology and
value to it. software are generating fresh
Education has to become new ideas and insights to
increasingly personalised if enhance education as a truly
educational institutions were to democratic practice and human
remain relevant in the 21 right in response to the
century through the increased increasing demands of ever-
use of digital tools. widening communities.
Learners use the services of Old questions are being asked
an institution only if they can in new ways with new answers,
help them to make progress in prised open by CST.
life through learning. • How to learn?
Digital tools are compelling • How to teach?
institutions to deconstruct their • What new knowledge
vertical structures and and skills are needed in