Page 60 - Pure Life 23
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The Role of States… H. Aziz / 59
the CST, which is The volumes of consumption
exploding with blinding keep the return on investment
starry showers of high and the cost of
information? consumption low.
• How can education An example of this was the
systems be improved to high cost of SMS when it was
optimise qualitative newly innovated but the high
learning/ teaching? volumes of its consumption has
The answers to such reduced its current cost to
questions need to be discovered, virtually zero.
debated, discoursed, and spread CST holds out myriad
and shared, democratically. possibilities for fulfilling careers
Lectures and books have to and callings in order to better
be delivered through the e- human, animal, and plant life.
mechanism. There are demands The escape is not only from
for the development of physical but also from mental
customised books, as a shift and spiritual poverty.
from the old-fashioned Religious institutions are
textbooks, into smart learning well-positioned to meet this
guides to make study time- triple challenge and change from
efficient and effective. old to new ways of learning/
New educational courseware teaching, close the achievement
and assessment tools have to be gap, be responsive to ongoing
developed to deliver services professional development,
powered by technology. enhance collaborative study and
As education is an escape communication, develop new
from poverty-trap for the pedagogies, participate in the
world’s poor majority CST innovation of digital systems,
offers many opportunities for develop new areas of
such escape. knowledge, and influence
The sheer volumes of governmental policy-makers.
knowledge consumption make Educational democracy
delivery of knowledge cheaper. compels a partnership of