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               62   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (23): 47-77, Summer 2020

                      out in such a way that there       31.  Ethical  interactions  are
                      is  something  to  do  every          promoted          between
                      night.                                different   cultures   and
                   24. If a break is required then          religions.
                      the  learner  will  have  to       32.  They    are   able    to
                      push extra work to have a             implement what they have
                      break in the week.                    learned immediately.
                   25.  Alternatively,  the  only
                      other  break  to  have  is     Necessary     Conditions      for
                      before  the  beginning  of  a   Achievement in any Society in
                      new class, which is a week     the World
                      after the previous class has   Dr Ashley Montagu has identified
                      finished.                      three  conditions,  which  are
                   26. The  required  amount  of     necessary for achievement in any
                      time to be spent on studies    society in the world:
                      each  night  is  3-5  hours        1.  “A  cultural  background
                      (depending on the student's           of       respect       for
                      competence).                          achievement      in    the
                   27.  From the beginning values           family in which the child
                      and  the responsibility  of           has been raised.”
                      social     change      are         2.  “Encouragements      and
                      promoted.                             rewards within the family
                   28. The social change network            and  the  culture,  which
                      platform         influences           make  it  possible  for  the
                      learners positively.                  individual   to  acquire
                   29.  All the assigned readings,          whatever  is  necessary  in
                      discussions,           and            order  for  him  to  achieve
                      assignments        revolve            in an achieving society.”
                      around  promoting  social          3.  “A  society  in  which  the
                      change.                               conditions  of  individual
                   30.  There  are  incentives  for         development  have  not
                      implementing         social           physically  affected  his
                      change, for which a learner           ability     to     learn.”
                      is invited to apply.                  (Emphases added)
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