Page 62 - Pure Life 23
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The Role of States… H. Aziz / 61
letter, thesis, etc. to colleagues and teacher.
4. At the Writing Center 12. Assignment 1 depends on
tutorial videos for the class and the teacher
everything and anything and follows similar process
related to academic writing of discussion.
can be watched. 13. Assignment 2 is usually a
5. At the Writing Center build up of a final project
appointments for any by the end of class and
personal questions or each week has its own
queries or clarifications can milestones.
be scheduled. 14. There is one discussion,
6. There is a library on two assignments, and lots
another website for of reading each week.
required reading assigned 15. The length of class is of
by teachers. six-week duration.
7. There are archives of 16. Outline of discussions are
journal writings by former usually posts in a group.
students as required 17. Assignments are essays.
readings. 18. A certain amount of
8. Other features include reading for the week is
academic advisory, recommended.
technical support, online 19. Questions are given for
café for socializing, etc. reflection on the reading.
9. Classes are structured in a 20. Reflection is used to
similar manner and may be answer another set of
tweaked a little as per questions, which are
teacher recommendation: marked.
10. There are required 21. Writings are according to
readings, media resources, academic and scholarly
purchased books, shared standards.
links, and shared videos. 22. The reading : writing ratio
11. Discussion consists of is 80 : 20.
initial post and responses 23. The workload is spaced